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Embracing Change and Ambiguity, A Recipe for Success from our Commercial Finance Manager

"My top piece of advice is to seek out unofficial mentorships and peers to learn from their experiences. This can offer valuable insights and perspectives to enhance your adaptability and growth."

Nina Tevanian, Commercial Finance Manager, Eurasia

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Your professional journey and accomplishments have always been impressive, and we believe there's so much we can learn from your experiences. Can you walk us through your professional background?

Throughout my 8-year tenure at Mondelēz, I have had the opportunity to work across various functions, including Customer Service & Logistics, Sales, and Finance. My responsibilities have been diverse, from organizing and managing truck shipments to leading digital initiatives and implementing advanced tools such as Power BI. Additionally, I have been privileged to lead the Commercial Finance stream, where we focus on driving financial efficiency and growth through strategic planning in partnership with cross-functional teams.

How have your past experiences contributed to your adaptability and equipped you to handle challenges and opportunities amid change?

I believe that the journey of development is never-ending. My journey through various functions has sharpened my functional skills and competencies and broadened my perspective on the importance of teamwork and collaboration. This diverse career path has given me a comprehensive understanding of the business world. Now, I can adapt quickly and think strategically in any role. Over the years, the business landscape in Eurasia has tripled in size, bringing new challenges and opportunities. Moving between roles has taught me to embrace change and ambiguity and adapt my plans. I strongly believe that every experience holds value, no matter how small. Leveraging my past experiences, being flexible, and striving for a growth mindset has made me effective in various situations.

How do you foster a culture of curiosity and adaptability among your team members or peers, especially when dealing with continuous changes in the business environment?

To ensure my team remains open to new ideas and changes, I encourage them to work collaboratively across functions, continuously learn, challenge the status quo, and grasp the bigger picture. This approach enables us to stay agile and think of innovative solutions to address challenges while exploring possible solutions for all our business partners. Through sharing knowledge and celebrating wins – small or big – we cultivate a culture of learning in all directions and support each other in tackling new obstacles.

Can you share a situation where you had to modify your approach due to shifts in the business landscape? What factors contributed to your successful navigation through this change?

In the constantly changing environment of Mondelēz, I believe that understanding the key processes and having a clear perspective of the bigger picture and purpose is crucial for success in any career path. Although changes can be daunting initially due to unfamiliarity, breaking down significant projects or tasks into smaller steps has proven effective. Moreover, having the right mindset is essential. Approaching new challenges with curiosity and a strategic mindset has consistently helped me navigate through transitions and implement new frameworks, resulting in positive outcomes for the business. A recent example of transformation was the Eurasia New Setup project, where we reinvented sourcing and document flow processes and developed new ways of working. This has been a remarkable experience for me, allowing me to connect with amazing colleagues and collaborate on developing innovative frameworks

Your advice to colleagues across Mondelēz International?

Finding success in a diverse career path can be challenging, but there are ways to make the journey smoother. My top piece of advice is to seek out unofficial mentorships and peers to learn from their experiences. This can offer valuable insights and perspectives to enhance your adaptability and growth. Additionally, don't be afraid to take on transformation projects. These projects provide opportunities to contribute to future ways of working and make meaningful changes within the business. Remember, continuous learning is key to success. Never stop growing; always be open to learning from those around you.


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