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44% of employees report feelings of burnout. Discover the benefits of workplace wellness on employees and whether the schemes really work.

Monday, March 01, 2021

In recent years, workplace wellbeing has become an increasingly important topic. More and more, employers are recognizing work-related stress as something that they need to take responsibility for, with many businesses introducing wellness programs in order to improve employee wellbeing.

But exactly why is it important? And what do workplace wellness programs generally include? Read on to find out more…

Why is the Workplace Well-being Important?

Everyone wants to feel valued and supported at work, and workplace wellbeing is important and beneficial to employees and employers alike.

We all have things going on outside of work, and it’s not always easy to leave your personal life at home. Personal stress, combined with high-pressurized working environments, mean that it’s no surprise that, according to a recent survey, 44% of employees reported feelings of burnout at work. A healthy working environment can help to alleviate stress from other parts of your life and make the time you do spend in the office that much easier. If you feel happier at work, you will likely be more efficient in your job and in turn feel more productive and valuable.


Employee wellbeing generally means higher morale, better productivity and ‘presenteeism’, better working relationships, and better staff retention; all vital to the success of a company. Yet only 42% of businesses worldwide have a wellness program in place to prioritize employee wellbeing. And in the UK, this is the case for just 26% of businesses.

What Workplace Wellness Programs Exist?

For those companies that do have wellbeing programs in place, typical programs tend to focus on physical health, mental health and culture.

Here at Mondelēz, we proudly pioneer an employee wellbeing program called BOOST. This focuses on four key pillars: Stay Well, Find Balance, Keep Active and Eat Better. BOOST aims to empower our workforce to optimize their own health and wellbeing through education, health checks, fitness facilities, counselling services, apps and more. Technology plays a big part in our program, with employees having access to apps that track fitness activities, as well as the Headspace app to encourage employees to check in with their mental health.

Mondelez Meeting

Do Corporate Wellness Programs Really Work?

A recent recent report by Vitality found that employees tend to report positively on the impact of corporate wellness programs. The success of these programs is largely down to how much they are supported internally. Sponsorship of the BOOST program by our Leadership team has been a key ingredient in its success to date, and our dedicated team of 80 BOOSTers have been vital in raising awareness and driving engagement across our workplaces.

Here’s what some of our employees have said about our wellbeing program:

  • “The regular BOOST messages and reminders have really helped me to be more mindful both in and out of work. I now make sure I take regular breaks away from my desk at lunchtime. In turn, this has helped me to learn to switch off more when I’m at home I am less likely to be thinking of work and what I need to do!”
  • “BOOST has had an amazing impact on me, especially the headspace app, as I was introduced to mindfulness during some time away from work. I now use headspace on a regular basis, and its impact is far reaching. I sleep a lot better as I often use the app before going to bed, but I also utilize the app during the time when workload increases, or the pressure of commercial negotiations intensifies. It keeps me balanced and also allows me to operate at my best for the majority of the time, whether that is in work, or out of work.”
  • “I love the BOOST program. Being a part of it has allowed me to develop and grow my own personal purpose.”
Do corporate wellness programs really work?

We were extremely honored to win the prestigious IGD Employee Wellbeing Award in October 2018, with judges saying the program was holistic, well thought through and comprehensive.

What Other Ways Can You Improve Your Wellness and Happiness at Work?

Adding plants to your desk or surrounding area is another way to improve your wellness at work, as they are proven to boost your mood and enhance your concentration. Taking your lunchbreak is also important, as these breaks are essential in helping you to unwind and recharge. A recent survey found that 90% of people feel refreshed and ready to get back to work after taking a lunch break.

Corporate wellness schemes can help transform your mindset for the better. The instilled balance can help you feel more positive and proactive to achieve the career goals you want.

Discover our latest initiatives to see how we are ensuring wellness is not only a huge part of our workplace but of the wider environment too.