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Meet Anna from Bulgaria

From high school teacher to plant director, Anna is an inspiration to everyone around her.

“You own your career. My advice is to be open for new opportunities and be brave enough to say yes as they emerge.”

Anna Marinkova

Thursday, September 09, 2021

“Go for that summer job, earn some money and then we will have great time at the seaside”, Anna still remembers her sister convincing her to give the temporary work opportunity at Svoge Plant a try. This was back in 2004 when Anna was a fresh graduate from the University of Food Technologies in Plovdiv. It was while working as a Confectionary technology teacher at the high school in her hometown that she discovered the early careers opportunity in the Plant Quality Team relevant to her studies. Seventeen years later, she’s the Plant Director at the very same plant.


During her career at Mondelēz International, Anna’s held a variety of roles - from Laboratory Assistant, to ISO Coordinator to Process Engineer. A common thread throughout Anna’s career is saying yes to new opportunities, even when the decision put her out of her comfort zone. One of these moments occurred when being selected for a two-year talent exchange program within the Supply Chain function, including a placement year in the UK.

“Saying yes to a cross-culture, -function and -category role felt like a truly salient moment for me, and I knew I must seize it. Without taking risks and challenging ourselves, we don’t grow. One of my biggest realizations from this time is how important relationships and networks are. I’m still in touch with a fellow participant from the exchange program who still works at Mondelēz – just like me.”

Another learning moment in Anna’s career was when being offered the plant director role - a balancing act between being a visionary leader for the Integrated Lean 6 Sigma journey while making critical decisions on day-to-day basis and acting here and now.

“At this point in my career, I realized there were several roads I could choose as a leader, and yet only one that was mine. We all come to a point where we need to look inside ourselves. What is the legacy I want to leave behind?” Anna’s heartfelt advice is: “Follow your true north answering that question and you can’t go wrong!” Anna is a true believer in the Mondelez value of Grow Every Day. So much that she recently made a habit of reflecting on her day during her commute from work. Whether it’s learning on the job, from her team, while trying something new or just seeing things from someone else’s perspective, Anna is certain she’ll never stop learning and developing.

As we say goodbye, Anna smiles and says, “I am lucky as Mondelēz International is the right place to Grow Every Day and make your career uniquely yours!”